Quality at PERI
Download our Quality Policy
Our organizational philosophy believes that customer satisfaction and business objectives are mutually dependent. Our policy assures maximum effectiveness and efficiency through all processes and systems making sure that every aspect of the company activity is aligned to satisfy our objectives and customer needs. Our policy emphasizes the need for measuring and analyzing performance in order to confirm that planning and problem solving have led to quality improvements. The continuous monitoring of systems performance is essential and performed with the use of the most powerful diagnostic tools.

Health, Safety & Environment Management System
Download our HSE Policy
At PERI, safety always comes first. Our absolute commitment to a safe work environment is at the heart of our operations. Our comprehensive, in-depth safety policies, IMS systems and programs are designed to engage the entire workforce in the delivery of safe work on all our projects. PERI is committed to upholding the highest standards in environmental sustainability across all aspects of our operations. Our corporate approach is to manage the environmental risks and impacts arising from the process of going about our business activities. We seek to reduce our impact, mitigate issues and be future forward in our approach to protection and conservation of environment. We are focused on the impact we make, both to society and the environment.

ISO 9001:2015 Certificate
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Our continuously improved processes enhance the quality and cost-effectiveness of our products and services. We invest in innovation and the development of long-lasting, sustainably sourced products to help maintain competitiveness for our customers and projects.

ISO 45001:2018 Certificate
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Health and Safety is of paramount importance to our business and clients. In demonstrating PERI UAE's commitment to eliminating hazards and minimizing risk to its employees and other interested parties, PERI UAE has successfully obtained certification in ISO 45001:2018

ISO 14001:2015 Certificate
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This achievement recognizes our continuing commitment to the environment. PERI UAE is committed to maintaining the highest standards of environmental management by actively reducing the impact our businesses have today and in the future on the environment. It is our employees that bring our commitment of environmental stewardship to life every day.