Welcome to PERI LLC United Arab Emirates

Dear Business Partners,

Welcome to PERI LLC, your premier partner of innovative formwork, scaffolding, and engineering solutions. We have been operational in United Arab Emirates since 1994.

PERI has been founded in 1969 by Arthur Schwoerer and his wife Christl in Germany and is, with more than 60 subsidiaries and over 160 logistic centers, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of formwork and scaffolding today.

PERI LLC has been offering its products and services to iconic projects in the UAE through a representative office since 1994. In 1997, the office expanded into a fully operational subsidiary with a 45,000 m2 yard.

PERI Abu Dhabi Office opened its doors in 2006 to further support our diversified customer base in executing iconic projects. The Oman market has established sales representation supported by our United Arab Emirates Head Office since 2010. PERI has established sales representation to support our Pakistan market since 2014 covering this developing market, operating from Islamabad and covering the whole of Pakistan.

Ou mission is to make construction more efficient, faster, and safer. Providing the best available support for your project – regardless of its size, is what drives our team of experienced engineers every day.

We at PERI are excited to partner with you on your future projects to achieve new milestones in the world of construction.

Best regards,
Ulrich Rottler
Managing Director

PERI LLC Management


  • Ulrich Rottler

    Managing Director

  • Stefan Vladimirov


  • Stuart Bland

    Sales Director

  • Carsten Schebsdat

    Operations Director

  • John Hampton

    Technical Director

PERI International

Our experts are on active service for our customers in almost every country in the world. From this international activity with different requirements, we generate excellent knowledge in all areas and markets. We are happy to share this know-how with our customers. So local insights create global knowledge - for efficient and safe construction procedures and quality results.

  • Employee Numbers
  • Company Turnover

Our Values

What we stand for:

We make construction work more cost-effective, faster and safer. Providing our customers with the best possible service is what we strive for every day.

The trust placed in us by our customers means it is our duty to always deliver the highest quality. This applies both to our products and to our workflows. Our team spirit is the key factor in this – both today and tomorrow.